Thursday, January 6, 2022

Past...or Simply In Between?

On my third day past retirement, I gazed out the patio door watching as the snow tried to decide if it should continue to fall or if it was finished for the day. 

First my eyes landed on our Christmas trees left on the back patio earlier in the week after I dismantled their gay ornaments and twinkling lights. What a source of joy they were during December! I really enjoy sitting next to a shining tree with a cozy cup of coffee or glass of wine. It is so relaxing and offers opportunity to reflect on the season and life.

Just beyond the trees I could see our pool closed for the winter and covered with snow.  Oh my goodness, the pool has brought such joy the past couple summers! I'm sure I'll write more about the GRAND adventures in the pool in days to come.

Gazing at the two things made me a little melancholy at first.  They were both past their season and were just sitting there in the cold.  Then I decided that perhaps they were not IN their season, but that didn't mean they were past it.... maybe they are simply IN BETWEEN and waiting for their season to come.
I guess it is a lot like people who are going through change.  Maybe we are simply IN BETWEEN and waiting for our best season to arrive.