Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Grandma's Little Honey

My mother calls my nephew, Ethan, her "little honey".  One time she asked if he was her little sweetie and he shook his head no and said, "I'm your little honey!"  As I talk to Mason I keep finding myself calling him my little honey.  Grandma's little honey.  Hopefully he'll be as proud and happy of being Grandma's little honey as Ethan is.

To share my joy today .... here is Grandma's little honey.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Laundry Day

I listened to the birds singing outside as I felt the almost tickle feeling of my tears sliding slowly down my cheeks.  The tickle was not a laughing kind of tickle, but rather a sensation attached to the release I felt as the tears brimmed over my eyes.  I felt like something wasn't right this morning, but I had not yet pinpointed what was causing this feeling.  It was too soon to put it in words to anyone other than God, lest it be misunderstood.

Sometimes I find that chatting about these struggles with God and acknowledging them to myself is all it takes to feel better as I continue to sort out the situation in my mind.

I liken it to having God help with the laundry as we sit here together.  Sorting.  Folding.  And putting it away.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I had one of those moments

Today I had one of those moments that feels like the world is opening up like a flower on a spring day.  Like the lid is being lifted off of the box and letting the light in.  As though color has been splashed across a pencil drawing with broad loose strokes.

I was in a conversation and a whole new concept suddenly became apparent.  Grasping a new concept is different than gleaning factual information, which can be interesting however sometimes somewhat boring.   Concepts feel enlightening.  As if a field of sunflowers are simultaneously turning their smiling faces toward the brilliance of the sun.