Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Miss Lopez

Miss Lopez works for the Social Security office in Pensacola, FL and when my number was called I walked down the long hall past several other windows where others were being helped to sit down in front of her.  Her white dress was splashed with blue flowers and she smiled pleasantly as she introduced herself to help me officially change my name.

Patti & Selma from The Simpsons
We chatted a bit about my recent marriage and move from Wisconsin to Florida as she processed the paperwork I had already prepared.  She was efficient and in a couple minutes I was on my way.  The thought crossed my mind about how friendly and helpful she was.  It seems many times government jobs are held by cranky, tired people who remind us of Patti and Selma on The Simpsons.  Someone who is really not very happy about the fact that their job is interfering with their social life and it appears that they struggle with finding any joy in life what-so-ever.  Refreshingly, it appeared Miss Lopez not only enjoys her job but enjoys life.

So imagine my pleasure when a couple hours later, 15 miles away, I ran into her at the local Target store.  She was still wearing her blue flowered dress and her radiant smile was easy to recognize as we greeted one another and chatted about the coincidence.

Little did she know the impact she had on this social butterfly who now lives many miles away from where she emerged from the cocoon.  Miss Lopez brought joy to my heart and tears to my eyes as I walked away having been recognized in a place where I flit around seeing many faces but knowing no one.

I guess butterflies are just naturally drawn to bright flowers.    

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Togs or Undies?

Ha!  This made me laugh!  Are they togs (swimsuits) or are they underwear?  This video clip made me chuckle and I just had to share.

"Togs, togs, togs, undies!"  Haha!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gotta go!

At 6:00 this morning I sat at my computer gazing out the window of our new home in Florida wondering what I could blog about when I noticed a car pull up and stop in front of the house that is under construction across the street. 

A young woman got out and walked to the building crew's port-a-potty that is sitting out front.  After a few minutes she emerged, got into her car and drove away.

Since we live on a back street and not in an area that lots of people "just happen to drive by" I contemplated the potential reasons for her stop.

  • She just left home and realized she forgot to go.
  • "Gotta go, gotta go" - She is part of a new commercial for Detrol and the film crew was around the corner out of site.  I am ruling this one out however as she didn't have an "urgency" dance as she headed for the door.
  • Perhaps she is working on one of the new homes under construction nearby and thought she'd stop before she arrived at work.
  • Maybe she lives in a van down by the river and needed the facility.  I do want to point out that she was driving a nice looking sporty car (not a van) and to the best of my knowledge there is not a river nearby.
  • Maybe she is part of the government crew that goes around certifying portable johns, similar to the mattress police who I expect to show up any day now to make sure I haven't removed the tags from my mattresses.  
  • She may have 12 siblings and couldn't wait for her number to be called for bathroom time at home.
  • I think I've got it!  She's part of a Secret Shopper program and she's giving feedback on the experience of using their product.
One thing I do know for certain though is that one of my new neighbors (who I have yet to meet) is sitting at their computer blogging about why the goofy new neighbor from Wisconsin is outside taking a picture of a port-a-potty.