I had a relaxing lunch at Green Bay's Concert in the Park today sitting on a blanket under the trees with a nice breeze keeping me comfortable on an otherwise hot, muggy 90 degree day. It was fun to watch the action around me like this young lady (see pictures) who was quite adept with her hula hoop - over the head, up and down the arms, a hop skip and it's next to her rather than encircling her body. All her movements graceful, flowing and in beat with the music. She made it look easy and I know for a fact that it's not.
As the band played a lively tune the church bells from the nearby Catholic steeple started gonging and ringing like crazy! I imagined a small boy with a huge smile on his face at the base of the bell tower clinging to a rope, rising and falling, legs flailing, as he made the bells toll. Just like in the movies.
"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know where I'm a gonna go when the volcano blows." Policemen, businessmen, grandmas and grandpas all tapped their toes to the familiar Jimmy Buffet tune and chatted while enjoying lunch. A couple young men were kicking around a hacky sack, mothers unpacked chips and PBJ's from coolers as children chased run away balls and drew hop scotch games on the sidewalk.
I just sat and observed the activity, soaking in the ambiance and loving summer in Wisconsin. Then I laid back, gazed at the sky for a while and pulled out my book.
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