Friday, December 30, 2011

It's all been downhill

I have been skiing since I was 12 years old.  I have so many good memories of gliding down the hill on a crisp, cold day.  Memories of skiing with my brothers, different groups of youth group friends, of teaching our kids to ski and then skiing with them as they grew older and now I get to add memories of skiing with Harry to that list.  

 Snapshots from over the years...

  • Skiing over the snowbank into the parking lot until I learned to stop
  • Not wearing my good ski jacket skiing to the local hill because it would get ruined from the rope tow
  • Singing songs from the chair lift
  • New bright orange skis for Christmas
  • Blue streaks all over the hill from brand new blue jeans 
  • Blue long johns caused by previous entry
  • Getting off the lift with both poles bent in 90 degree angles
  • Standing next to my 16 yr old big brother crying after he broke his leg.  His response?  "Why are YOU crying..I'm the one who broke my leg!"
  • Dad driving us out to Kettlebowl and coming back to pick us up a few hours later
  • Mike and I pulling each other behind the snowmobile on skis
  • Staying at Wills cottage with the cold air whisking across the frozen lake and straight up the outhouse to our freezing butts perched on the cold opening
  • 5 yr old Lindsay crying not from the high chair lift - but because her hands were cold.
  • 4 yr old Kari running into the side of the ski patrol building
  • Erich & Lindsay learning to ski by making french fries and pizza with their skis
  • Lindsay skiing off the trail and into the woods by accident
  • The momma bear in me yelling at a high school girl as she ran over little Kari on the slope
  • Telling my kids they must always be IN CONTROL
  • Erich skiing down with only one speed - FAST!
  • Looking in the fluffy Colorado snow for Kari's (?) Lindsay's (?) lost pole with the entire family on the verge of a good mood meltdown
  • Being exhausted from getting my kids all bundled and buckled 
  • The joyous day when the kids could help carry all their own gear
  • Always being the last one down the hill so I could stop if one of the kids fell
  • The pleasure of discovering Harry and I are very compatible skiers

It's been a great sport.  And laughter - it always includes laughter. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Long Threads of Witty Banter

It happens most often just prior to a gathering of our extended family.  Someone will start an email with information or questions about the upcoming event and send it to everyone involved that has an email address.  That's when the fun starts!

The emails fly back and forth across state and country lines, stretching to far away loved ones poking fun, teasing and occasionally threatening to take it to a higher authority.  (As the only girl with three brothers I get to pull the, "I'm telling MOM card" whenever I've gotten myself in too deep.)

Newcomers to the family after observing a few volleys back and forth react first with a little bit of fear thinking, "Holy Crap!  What have I gotten myself involved with?".  That feeling is soon followed by stepping in tentatively at first perhaps with a small comment, followed by leaping into the witty banter as though they are jumping off the high dive.  (ie:  feet first with nose plugged)  Of course once you've made that jump you are now considered fair game for the jabs as well.

We are celebrating our family Christmas on Saturday at my brother's house and needless to say this has been a great week filling cyber space with frivolous joshing and persiflage.  And oh out boys, because I am telling mom what you said and you are going to be in so much trouble!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What's With The Canes?

You ask, "What's so special about the canes in the vase by the front door?"

My Grandpa Murray used to travel around the United States in his blue station wagon.  He'd navigate the roads less traveled and along the way he'd pull over, meander into the woods and dig up a small sapling at the root base.

In high school I spent an afternoon with him at his work bench in the garage and he showed me how he'd take the sapling and gently clean the dirt from around the roots.   He'd look them over and find something special in each and every one of them.   He would whittle, carve, add a little piece here, take off a little piece there, sand them smooth and varnish them.  It was a fun afternoon trying to see what he saw and imagining what the tree he was working on would become.

Grandpa's canes with a
touch of holiday color.
From the roots emerged "Uncle Pat Murray", Mount Rushmore, an elephant, a squirrel or an abstract shape.  They were flipped so what used to be buried under the earth supporting a tree, was now the top of a nifty cane.  They are all different and most have the State and the year that the sapling was acquired carved into the length of the wood.  They are truly a work of art.

As Grandpa aged and needed a cane for assistance, he put rubber tips on the bottom of a couple of his favorites and they became practical aides to help him get around.

Grandpa made over a hundred canes and when he died all his children and grandchildren were given a couple of them as a memento of Grandpa and his craft.  Not only are they a work of art, they are a work of love.

Monday, December 26, 2011

We clean, we stage, we bake cookies...

The house is up for sale and we've had (thankfully!) many showings this past month.  We clean, we stage, we bake cookies, we leave, and we pray they will love it enough to make an offer to buy it.

Early last week we had someone come through for their THIRD time!  Needless to say we were psyched, only to find out we were "a close second and they put an offer in on another house."  Argh!

So late last week we had a request for a Friday afternoon showing.  December 23rd nonetheless and we were having a party that evening.  We requested a morning showing unless of course they'd like to attend the party where they could mix, mingle and check the sizes of the closets.  They decided to come in the morning so we cleaned, we staged, we baked cookies, we left and they liked it!  They liked it so much they emailed a LONG list of questions and then came back this morning for another look.

I felt the questions were very encouraging.  Ie:  Are there any children in the neighborhood?  Does the school bus stop in front of the house?  Would you leave the furniture and artwork in the hot tub room?  Would you leave the vase with the canes by the front door?

So we cleaned, we staged, we put out Christmas candy, we left and we prayed they will love it.

Only thing is...they'll just have to love it without the canes in the vase by the front door.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Henrietta's Face

At Christmas Eve worship I was helping serve communion and as each person stepped forward, some returned my smile at the blessing while others choose to gaze at the floor and not meet my eyes.  Ninety year old Henrietta was following her granddaughter, and as the line parted revealing Henrietta, her face was brilliant and glowing.  She emitted a sense of calm, joy-filled peace, and as our eyes met I felt very fortunate to be there and share that moment with her.  It was like she knew something that the rest of us just yearn to know.

Perhaps the angels that watched over the manger so very long ago had that same, knowing glow about them.  I wouldn't be surprised if one of those angels was named Henrietta.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bell of the Ball

Here's a quick pic of Dia ready and waiting for friends to arrive for a Christmas party.  She's such a social butterfly and is definitely the "bell of the ball."  Lucky for Cinderella that Dia wasn't there that night long ago or Prince Charming would not have even noticed her!

And yes... the "bell of the ball" is wearing bells around her neck.

Christmas is near!      

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh

Gold, frankincense and myrrh were the three gifts the wise men brought to Baby Jesus.

This my gold, frankincense and myrrh.  What a gift they each are!

I have been truly blessed and I burst with joy just thinking about the three of them.

Perhaps I should ask if they'd like to change their names.....


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Meaning of Boba

In Boulder the other day we strolled around a wonderfully pleasant Pearl Street dressed in its Christmas finery when we came upon a sign for "Tea and Boba".  A quick check revealed that none of us knew what "boba" is.... so in we went.  

Tucked in the back of the store was the coolest little tea garden with tables low to the ground.  We removed our shoes and found an available table with comfy cushions on the floor.  We all selected a flavored tea from the extensive menu and it was served in individual brightly decorated tea pots.  We sat chatting quietly, sipping tea as those around us read books or conducted business transactions involving writing high-tech computer programs.  It was a setting where a by-gone era from a distant place met today's energetic needs with both grace and ease.  

I've decided I'm not going to tell you what "boba" is.  Perhaps someday you'll have an impromptu and delightful afternoon on your quest to discover the meaning of Boba.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sarah, Jean, Harry and I went skiing to today at Eldora near Boulder, Colorado.  The day was gorgeous.  Sunny, pleasant temps, no lift lines, more time spent skiing down verses waiting in line and riding up, pizza and wine for dinner, great company, a wonderful day.

The past two days we've been hiking, laughing, checking out Pearl Street and it's shops, laughing, eating, and just hanging out and laughing.

Unlike friends, you don't get to choose your cousins.  In the cousin department I have been very blessed.  Very, very blessed.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Hallelujah!  What a fun way for a church to share the joy of Christmas!  Take a'll be glad you did and I'm sure a smile or two will cross your face.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

At 30,000 Feet

Isn't technology amazing?  I am online and writing this from 30,000 feet in the air while flying to Colorado for a few days of fun with Sarah and Jean.

I'm next to the window because Harry is a good sport and spoils me rotten.  The sun has set and as we cruise along all I can see outside the window is darkness with the exception of the red flashing light on the wing alerting all to our presence in the night sky.

The little boy two rows up was singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer earlier, but I think the noise of the plane has lulled him to sleep so he can recharge and be ready to entertain again once the plane lands.  

Little does he know that in only a few days he will gaze into the sky searching for Rudolph's shining red nose guiding Santa through the night and when he spots the red light flashing in the darkness, what he'll really be seeing is the light flashing outside my window at 30,000 feet.

Or is it really Santa?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Run Forest!

I run.  I enjoy the steady rhythm of my feet as they hit the ground.  I enjoy my breath as I fall into a cadence that allows me to continue on for several miles at a time.  I enjoy the way it makes me feel both during the effort and the rest of the day as well.  As I run I enjoy listening to my music, chatting with someone or reaching down into the depths of my inner being and coming up with great thoughts and ideas.

I don't run FROM things.  I don't run because I HAVE to.  I run because I LIKE to.

I run because it brings me joy... and ultimately isn't that the goal?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sounds of Joy vs Sounds of Discord

Over the noon hour I stood in the rotunda of our county courthouse gazing at smiles and thoughtful reflection on a few familiar faces and several unfamiliar faces as I listened to what heaven must surely sound like.

The ornate dome rose up above us in all it's grandeur and as the students from Bay Port High School sang, their voices filled the empty space with a magic that felt like it reverberated through every inch of my being.

What a contrast these voices lifted in joy and harmony are compared to the voices of discord that can quite often fill a courthouse.

Joy vs Discord.  Today's jury came back in favor of joy.  

Thursday, December 15, 2011

All In A Name

Today I spoke to someone about wisdom, deep wells of knowledge, and a joy that fills life beyond what we can imagine.  The conversation both intrigued and captivated me, and I found myself wishing we didn't have schedules we must keep thus forcing our conversation to end.  As we sat and chatted, Sophia, her yellow lab, laid at my side and looked up at me with sparkling eyes that spoke to me of love and understanding.  

Sophia (Σοφíα) is Greek for "wisdom".  I guess it really is all in a name.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Praying in Motion

Often when I'm out for a run, on the elliptical, or active in some form of continuing movement my mind wanders to my children, my loved ones and friends, or various acquaintances that I know have joys or challenges in their life.  Thinking of them has evolved into praying for them.  It's become a wonderful time to life them up in prayer, asking that their joys be multiplied and their sorrows be overcome.

Movement.  Praying.
Praying in motion. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Inconvenience of Distance

Harry is working on the west coast this week and when he called me this evening he was headed out for a walk on the beach after work.  These pictures are not from tonight, they are ones he sent me awhile ago when he was there for an assignment but I thought I'd set the mood in case your imagination isn't as vivid as mine.

I was on the elliptical in our basement when he called, and I continued to "elliptical" while we chatted, but if you could see the images he painted for me you'd have thought I was on the west coast walking beside him.  It was about 40 degrees, no wind, the sun had just set and the sky was rosy.  We were taking a long staircase from the neighboring hotel down to the wide, sandy beach.  There were a couple fishing boats (slightly larger than lobster boats) out a bit from the shore.  Up ahead a dog (about the size of Oscar or Sam) was running and playing on the beach.  The flat, hard sand was great to run or walk on and the waves were crashing.

We chatted and shared the happenings of our day as we walked together along the beach for the next hour... separated only by the inconvenience of distance.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Caterpillar of Lights

Caterpillar at the Garden of Lights
Strolling through the Garden of Lights at the Botanical Garden is like walking through a magical place filled with visions, dreams and stories to be told.  There is something about a simple little light (multiplied by a bo-jillion) that creates an enchanted sense of wonderment.

We were fortunate enough to go with good friends and we laughed, chatted, and even skipped our way along the path.  One simply cannot go through a long caterpillar of lights without skipping, hopping and laughing.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Not Because of Death

I sat looking around the lovely sanctuary filled with people that the memorial service was being held in.  My mother, father, older brother and I had made the trip to Madison to pay our respects to a former Pastor and his family who had been good friends when we were growing up.  Spending the day together with Mom, Dad and Mike had been a treat in itself and it was great to see our childhood friends again.

I listened to the words of the pastor as the service began,  "We are not here because of death.  We are not here because Fid died.  We are here because he lived."  I liked that.  As he said those words my mind quickly thought about his life and what a kind, caring, all around good man he was.  He did live - in every sense of the word.  I liked that.

I will strive to do the same.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

O Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree!

 We went to cut our Christmas tree today!  This is a tradition of Harry's that he's shared with me.  (Last year we went during a snow storm and that was really cool.)

I know it may look like Harry did all the work here, but I did help lift the tree to the top of the Jeep.  I also took LOTS of photos so I could share this fun afternoon with all of you!  I guess today I was sort of a photojournalist.  Documenting it all.  Yeah, that's it.

Just for the record, I did get deeply involved in the laughter and the enjoyment of the event and I'm so thankful (and lucky) that Harry shares this with me.

Friday, December 9, 2011

They Must Really Love Baby Jesus!

This family must REALLY love Baby Jesus a lot!
I was walking earlier this week with my granddog,Oscar, and my son, Erich,  when we happened upon this house.  Wow!

All I can say is they must really love Baby Jesus!

I can certainly understand the sentiment; however I am unfortunately lacking compared to their enthusiasm when illustrating it with light bulbs.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I saw Santa tonight!  How can that not fill one's heart with joy?!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Spiderman Removes His Mask

Tonight at church a mother and her young son were at odds with each other.  He didn't want to participate in the children's program.  After a full day of work, school and a sibling's birthday celebration, they were both at wits end so he ended up having a cool down period in the hallway by himself.

I usually pop between our classes to make sure everything is flowing smoothly and as I did I discovered this little boy sitting on the floor with his Spiderman mask on.  I knew he'd had a rough day so I sat on the floor next to him and started chatting.

We talked about a wide variety of topics and he shared with me that he is not really Spiderman, he's six and will be seven in June.  He goes to school and today they had cheese sandwiches for lunch but he couldn't have one because he's allergic to cheese and milk.  Somewhere when we started talking about peanut butter sandwiches, his teacher and his friends he pulled his mask off and slowly started smiling.

As we went to find the crayons I discovered Spiderman has the cutest dimples when he smiles.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Ways Of A Cat

Tigger our cat died in his sleep last night.  Over the weekend he stopped eating and we found him curled up in small places.  Under the computer desk, under the shelves, in between two boxes.  We made two trips to the vet with him where they tested him for everything and found nothing wrong with him, yet he died during the night.  On top of heart breaking, it's baffling.

Tigger was quite the cat.  He woke us up in the morning with a joyful and loud, "HELLO!"  He liked to hang out with us as we worked in the yard or watched TV.  He was very personable and when I moved to the Country House (the name we have dubbed our home) he made me feel very welcome, accepted and loved.  He helped my transition into the family.

He liked to play (although rumor has it that he played a lot more in his younger days) and he didn't put up with any crap from our granddogs when they came to visit.  He and Dia were good friends and he easily tolerated her silly puppy ways.  Tigger was very happy when Dia went potty where she's supposed to because that meant he got a treat as well.

I learned a lot from Tigger and saw many things from a different perspective because of him.  I hope he felt as loved by me as I did by him.  He will be missed.      

Monday, December 5, 2011

Changing The World From A Car Seat

Erich and KT
In Pastor Greg's sermon this week he told a story of a young boy helping his mother set up the nativity set in their home.  As the little boy unwrapped each porcelain piece he proclaimed, "Here's the shepard!", "Here's Mary!", "Here's the cow!" and as he unwrapped the last piece he announced, "And here is Baby Jesus in his car seat!" 

This month Christians around the world are preparing with great anticipation to celebrate the long ago arrival of a baby boy that changed the world.  Our family is preparing with great expectation
VERY large stuffed animals!
the arrival of a baby boy also!  Baby Mason is due the middle of February and we are so very excited!  Erich and KT (my son and his wife) are busy painting the nursery, picking out a car seat and buying very large stuffed animals. 

Although this post is certainly filled with lots of joy; there is nothing "every day" or common about this particular event.  We have stopped holding our breath as the pregnancy progressed and count our blessings daily that this little (or not so little?) bundle of baby-goodness is coming.  

This baby is going to change OUR world. (And yes, he has a car seat.)  

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Joy is so very cool!
It can be seen in the the the walk and it's great when it's bubbling up and overflowing outward for others to enjoy.
I feel that joy is not something that can be given to someone else or believe me I'd give it to you.
There is nothing I can do or say that can place joy on your heart.
It can't be given or forced; however it can be shared.
Joy is something that is found within, comes from within, and must find it's place in your heart by you alone.
I pray JOY is a lifelong resident in your heart.
~written by Patti Bacher circa 2008

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Yummy-licious Memories

Today I'm baking for the "Delicious Delectable" cookie walk at church tomorrow so I pulled out my Christmas CD's and started cranking my favorite holiday tunes.  Every year we have to start with Sleigh Ride and then move on to some classics performed by Mannheim Steamroller.

I was suddenly hit with a huge wave of homesickness for my daughters.  Both are grown women, one living in Minnesota and the other in Honduras, so Christmas season now looks very different from when they were young.

Holiday decorating and baking ALWAYS included the music and "kitchen" dancing as we burst into fits of giggling and laughter.

Here's a snippet caught on video a couple years ago.

With perfect timing, in the midst of my baking, Lindsay texted a photo of her Christmas tree and some silly antics of her beloved black lab, Samwise.  Perhaps she sensed my need to connect or perhaps she was feeling the same nostalgia as I.

I love these Yummy-licious memories.  

Friday, December 2, 2011

Color My World

A touch of color
Colors make me happy and when I saw this on my way to work I had to stop and snap a shot of it to share with you.

I like color.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Singing Hearts

One of my favorite things is when Harry and I go to a restaurant and sit on the same side of a booth.  I know it’s the norm if there are just two people that they sit across from each other rather than next to one another when eating in public and sitting in a booth.  However, whenever we go out and sit on the same side of the booth it feels so romantic, close and intimate.  We sit close, lean in and talk softly.  We are the couple that I have always wanted to be part of.  I love it and it makes my heart sing.

Tonight I went to a local sushi restaurant to meet a friend for dinner and while I was waiting for her to arrive, two women came and sat in the booth directly in front of me.  One scooted in and as the other sat directly next to her, the first questioned that she was sitting on the same side.  Her reply was, “Yes, I am.”

They sat there, heads close together, chatting and laughing while they enjoyed their meal.  They leaned over and kissed once or twice.  It was so refreshing to see them enjoying the love they have found in one another.   I hope their hearts were singing as mine does when Harry is next to me.  

Soaking up their laughter

Last night we had a potluck dinner at church for Advent.  I was standing in the hall outside a large multi-purpose room and could hear the children inside playing.  They were laughing and giggling as they ran around playing hide and seek.

I just stood there for a minute soaking up their laughter.  Oh, I do love the sound of children laughing.