Monday, January 30, 2012

Heaven Will Just Have To Wait

Dad's birthday last week
My father loves my brothers dearly, however as I'm the only girl I have enjoyed being "daddy's girl" for several decades now.  Our whole family is close and if the boys were willing to play with Barbies and wear girly dresses I would have gladly shared my title with them.  But that's a story for another day.

Today's story is about a phone call from my mother this afternoon to say that my dad's cancer doctor has declared him cancer free.  Free of cancer.  In remission.  They'll be removing the port from his chest soon.  This is of course  absolutely fantastic news.  The battle is over and the scars from the long fight are healing.

God still has work for him here.  Heaven will just have to wait.       

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Laundry Waits

This afternoon I took a much need nap.  It was needed more so on the mental level than the physical level, but it was much needed nonetheless.  I think naps are underrated and given a bad rap.  Afterall, a baby's life revolves around napping, a toddler fights it tooth and nail however is much more pleasant to be with when they've had one, and teens/adults very rarely nap.  I am a huge proponent of getting enough sleep and have at times in my past been criticized for claiming that one needs proper rest to effectively function.

One of the things that I've learned in my 29 (ahem) years is that a nap is a wonderful luxury that we should grab when given the opportunity.  Today was just such an opportunity.  After the lunch dishes were done, I wandered upstairs with a basket of clean laundry to fold, and instead I curled up in a blanket on the bed and was a goner.

The laundry can wait.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My "Me" Time

I enjoy my "me" time in the morning.  Its quiet, I eat breakfast, drink coffee, check what's new in the world and in my inbox, write a "to do" list for the day.  I most often spend my "me" time reflecting about life and praying about people and issues that are on my mind.

I didn't always have "me" time.  Especially in the morning.  For instance when I was a student my schedule was such that I was busy right from the ringing of the alarm clock until my head hit the bed at night and when my children were young I sprung into action the minute my eyes opened in the morning busy getting ready for school and work. Now I naturally wake up and rise early, sometimes much earlier than any human should, so I find that I have time in the morning for my "me" time.

Me and my "me" time.  We're great pals.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

THE gift of 2010

Toaster Tongs ready and waiting
 for a little toaster action
We spotted these nifty little wooden devils at the Cooks Corner while milling about one day and at a whopping $1.79 a piece we knew we needed to get everyone on our gift list a pair for Christmas that year.

They are the best thing since sliced bread and actually make a great team when matched with sliced bread now that I think about it.  They also work beautifully with bagels, english muffins, and crumpets by george.

Not only are they stylish, but they are essential to safe toaster handling and protocol.  I'm truly surprised that they don't come in a bright color such as "safety green" or florescent orange.  That's how safe they are.

Thus Toaster Tongs were clearly THE gift of 2010 in our family.  

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some Things Are Worth Waiting For

The other day my cousin received a long awaited phone call.  After much thought, consideration, soul searching, research and filling out a ton of paperwork the waiting started.  She waited and hoped.  Hoped and waited.  Finally on Thursday the call came.  The adoption agency notified her that an expectant mother has selected her to be the one to raise her daughter.   Oh happy day!

Our whole family and anyone who knows Anne is thrilled.  Needless to say, Anne is on cloud nine.  This little baby girl is so very fortunate that her birth mother loves her so much that she is willing (for what ever reasons they are) to let another mother raise her.   I personally think the birth mother made an excellent selection in choosing my cousin.  This baby will be welcomed into a loving home, where she'll be taught all the things she needs to know to be independent and successful in life.  She will have grandparents and aunts that delight in her, great-aunts and uncles and lots of cousins of all ages to laugh and play with.  She will be cherished.

Some things (like bundles of baby-goodness) are worth waiting for.  Me?  I'm heading to the store to buy her a Sock T. Pus.  

Friday, January 20, 2012

Car Turds? Really?

Typical front view
A classic rear car turd.

When you drive over Wisconsin's snowy roads the snow flips up and accumulates in the wheel wells behind each tire.  The snow amasses and packs in underneath and then it hangs tight especially on very cold days.  

A hard frozen specimen
in a parking lot
Watch your step!

As the temperatures warm and the snow starts to melt the chunks come loose and plop off onto the ground or on the street as you drive along.  You'll see people walking around their cars in driveways and parking lots giving the snow a kick so it falls off with a sploosh or a clunk depending on how cold it is.  When walking across a parking lot at the mall you have to be careful not to trip over them or step in them soiling your shoes.  

Beware!  If your garage is warm enough it can potentially fill with these melty lumps.  It's a nasty phenomenon indeed. 

The name for these little ditties is car turds.  Really, I kid you not.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Smooth or Crunchy?

This morning I was filling out a form online.  You know the kind... lengthy, lots of details, and it takes plenty of thinking and time to complete it.  As I completed the form and clicked on the "submit" button it informed me that I was no longer connected to the internet.  I thought some choice words and I audibly said, "oh crap".  I reset the router and went back to the form.  Sure enough most of it was no longer filled in.

So I did what any sane person would do.  I got out the peanut butter and ate a spoonful. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I enjoy that movie "Love Actually".  In particular I like the scene at the end where everyone is at the airport greeting or being greeted by someone who loves them.  I am (actually) part of that scene almost weekly to greet Harry as he returns home, however today was different then most weeks.  Today I was there to meet my youngest child as she returned from being a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras.

She left almost two years ago and I've seen her three times during her duration there.  She was doing amazing things and making a big impact on a small community, however due to danger from the drug traffickers and random violence to both US citizens and nationals, Peace Corps made the decision last month to remove all of our volunteers from that country, thus her assignment was cut short.

My daughter has had a contagious smile and attitude since she was a baby.  As a toddler she would enter the room and the energy level shifted noticeably.  Her father used to call her "Sunshine".  It was wonderful to see her today, to hold her in a strong hug and to hear her laughter once again.  She is home in her own bed tonight and that brings me joy with a big "Thank You!" to God for bringing her safely home.

Muchas gracias a Dios!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sweet Dreams

My blog is about finding joy in the every day.  Some days you have to look a little harder, dig a little deeper, scrounge about a bit to find that tid bit that will fill the ticket.  Today is one of those days and I think I've just struck upon where I will find my joy today.  It will be putting my head on the pillow and snuggling way down under the covers of my bed all warm and cozy.  There is a peaceful joy that surrounds the body as we let our conscious mind drift away into a world of imagery and dreams.  Sweet, sweet dreams that will transition us to a brighter day.    

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Equal Footing

My new running shoes
I have decided to run the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon in May.  26.2 miles.  (This will be my second marathon and I'm looking forward to going the distance again.)  The training program started two weeks ago and is VERY well attended by over 200 people.  It's surprising that so many people will show up every Saturday morning from January to May to run through snow, cold, rain, (hopefully) sunshine and heat.  You'd think the US Postal Service would show up weekly to recruit from this hardy bunch, but so far I haven't noticed them milling about.

On Saturday we ran six miles.  There were people strung out for blocks ahead of me and as far as I could see behind me.  There are people there of all ability levels.  Some are seasoned and in great shape - for instance one friend has run over 50 marathons and several have qualified and competed in the Boston Marathon.  On the flip side there are people there who have never participated in an event of this distance before.  In fact they may not have ever been in a distance event at all.  They are brand new to this sport and they come in layers of sweatpants and warm clothes with a strong determination as they tackle this feat before them. They have set a goal to accomplish something that will take much time and preparation over the next five months.

I take my hat off to them and cheer them on.  Every single one of them.  Both the ones it comes easy to and the ones who struggle.  The faster ones and the slower ones.  It isn't about the clock, it isn't about how long it takes, it's about DOING it.  They are all out there moving and doing it and that gives them equal footing.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sock T. Pus

Today we had a baby shower for my grand-belly.  Mason is expected to arrive the middle of February, and a whole houseful of female relatives gathered today to shower Erich and KT with cute and useful baby things like the "Sock T. Pus" pictured here.  Isn't it adorable?  (I'm particularly fond of the polka dot socks.)  

It was really very cool to look around at all the smiling faces, listen to the laughter, smell the delicious food, and feel the love that filled this house until it felt like it was bursting at the seams.  Just like the Sock T. Pus, families are wonderful creatures.  Families are made up of many different textures, colors, directions and shapes.  And when you tell them a brand new baby is coming, the family smiles a big, ear to ear grin that spreads from one side of the Sock T. Pus to the other. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

To Bulgaria and Back

I had lunch today with one of my favorite teenagers.  Mallory and I have literally travelled around the world together.  To Bulgaria and back.  Twice in fact.  We danced authentic Bulgarian dances together,  we took a bo-jillion silly pictures of us on airplanes together, we chased around the Detroit airport looking for clues in a scavenger hunt together (fun story for another day), we tested (and I bought) hula hoops together, she came cruising over to show me her slippery teeth the day her braces came off, we sold booyah, cookies and hamburgers together, cried a few times together and most certainly laughed a lot together.
Mallory helped fill a space in me that felt empty after my own two daughters left for college and for that I will always be thankful.

She left a few months ago for that place they call college, as a lovely young lady with much on her mind and I believe holding  questions in her heart as to just exactly how she fits into this huge world.  What I saw at lunch today was a lovely, confident young lady who is enjoying the journey of finding her way.

She's going to be fine.  Just fine. (As long as she can get her mashed potatoes.)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Erich's Birthday

Today is Erich's birthday!  My son.  My firstborn.  Every year since they were young children I have taken my children out for breakfast on their birthday.  Somewhere near the beginning I started telling them about the day they were born.  They each have a very unique and exciting story, as I'm sure all births probably do, but I like to think their births were especially unique so I usually recount the story for them every year.  (I'd be happy to share all three exciting stories with you, just let me know if you'd like to hear them.)  This year Erich and I chatted about many things but never got around to the story of his birth.  

I like talking to Erich.  He has always been a deep thinker and a very thoughtful person.  He's smart and funny and he likes playing nerdy games with his friends.  He has a technical job and is very good at bringing complicated technology into an every day usable context.  Needless to say, I'm very proud of him and I love seeing the young man he's become.

Happy Birthday son, you are a joy in my life!  

Sunday, January 8, 2012

In love with the ocean

Harry and I had lunch with Peg Leg Pete
'Nuf Said
The white dots are jelly fish
Gotta love the ocean
 Harry grew up living by the ocean and it's an integral part of his very being.  When we are near the ocean I comment on the gorgeous vistas, the sounds of the pounding waves and birds flying overhead, the feel of the sand between my toes, and the refreshing coolness of the water.  

Harry is quiet.  Soaking it all in as I chatter away.  And then he always comments on the wonderful smell of the salty air.  The sea air.  The breezes filled with the salt of the ocean depths.  

He absorbs everything about this place that fills him with peace and joy.   His love for the ocean runs deep.      

Simply Delightful!

Today we spent an absolutely grand day at the beach in Pensacola.  This beach has the whitest sand of any beach I've ever been on.   The water was clear and cool, the area was clean and felt untouched, we meandered, wandered, sat, strolled, ran, napped, read, and chatted all day.  
It was delightful, simply delightful.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The joy of tears

Yesterday I received an email that made me weep.  I was moved so deeply and had such a gambit of emotions flowing through my very being that all I could do is sit and sob.

This morning I received a text that included a very funny "auto-correct".  I laughed and laughed with tears spilling down my face.

Oh, the cleansing joy of tears.

Skooch over for a schmooch

Some words are definitely more fun than others.  They just bring a smile when I get to use them so therefore I find myself working them into the everyday as often as possible.  For instance:

Dollop - "Lindsay, you look so elegant as you flick your wrist to get just the right size dollop of cool whip on top of that jello pudding!"

Skooch - "Harry, skooch on over so I can sit next to you for a schmooch."

Taradiddle - "Matt's tales of adventure are filled with tongue-in-cheek taradiddles and obvious fabrications."  (This is a new one for me and I'm quite enjoying it!)

Smidgeon (aka smidge) "I'll have a smidgeon of that ooey gooey carmelicious goodness please."

Chockful - "This blog is chockful and bursting with joy!"

What are your favorites?  Please share!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Murray Christmas (part II)

The movie trivia contest at Murray Christmas has become as well loved as the food and the crazy gift exchange.

It all started a few years ago when my older brother's love of "Christmas Story" inspired this fun trivia competition.  After laughing for years at the antics of Ralphie and his desire for a Red Ryder BB gun, Mike wrote out several easy (and not so easy) questions about the fun, holiday classic.  It was a hit!  We have since expanded the competition to cover other movies and this year the questions were about "Elf".

To get you in the mood, I'll set the scene.  Picture this.  Everyone is gathered around the island in the kitchen where all the food lays untouched during these energy-charged moments.  The questions are fired away and many times the answers are shouted out even before the sentence is finished and the question mark inflection is heard.  This year it took a strict school teacher and a tough cop to keep things in line.  Careful small children!  This is one tough event I'll tell you!

It just so happens I have a knack for recalling the answers quickly and shouting the answers faster and LOUDER than the others, so I tend to do quite well.  In fact last year when I took first place, I got a bum rap as a cheater!  A schiester.  Someone who doesn't play by the rules.  Believe me - those untruths are spurned by jest and roguery.  Surely they are taradiddles and it makes me and Baby Jesus cry to hear it.  I'll readily admit... I watch the movie several times.  I google trivia about it on the internet.  I study.  I cram.  I prepare.  Hmmmmm.... A schiester?  I think NOT!

Thus I am the champ and took home the kick butt first place trophy.  Sweet!  

Murray Christmas (part I)

For the last dozen years or so our family has met at my older brother's house to celebrate Christmas in an event that has been dubbed "Murray Christmas".  (Our family name which conveniently sounds like "merry" I might add.)  My sister-in-law, Shannon, is an excellent cook and we all contribute to the food-fare as well.  Needless to say the eating is abundant and the spirit of the day is filled with much merriment and glee.

In a rare unposed moment I snapped this shot of my son and daughter with their spouses.  Ah, but how I love family Christmas time!