Friday, January 6, 2012

Skooch over for a schmooch

Some words are definitely more fun than others.  They just bring a smile when I get to use them so therefore I find myself working them into the everyday as often as possible.  For instance:

Dollop - "Lindsay, you look so elegant as you flick your wrist to get just the right size dollop of cool whip on top of that jello pudding!"

Skooch - "Harry, skooch on over so I can sit next to you for a schmooch."

Taradiddle - "Matt's tales of adventure are filled with tongue-in-cheek taradiddles and obvious fabrications."  (This is a new one for me and I'm quite enjoying it!)

Smidgeon (aka smidge) "I'll have a smidgeon of that ooey gooey carmelicious goodness please."

Chockful - "This blog is chockful and bursting with joy!"

What are your favorites?  Please share!

1 comment:

  1. I love taradiddle and clearly do not use it often enough!

    My favorite of the week: Warmble. "I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, and my stomach warmbled all through Pastor Greg's sermon."
