This afternoon I took a much need nap. It was needed more so on the mental level than the physical level, but it was much needed nonetheless. I think naps are underrated and given a bad rap. Afterall, a baby's life revolves around napping, a toddler fights it tooth and nail however is much more pleasant to be with when they've had one, and teens/adults very rarely nap. I am a huge proponent of getting enough sleep and have at times in my past been criticized for claiming that one needs proper rest to effectively function.
One of the things that I've learned in my 29 (ahem) years is that a nap is a wonderful luxury that we should grab when given the opportunity. Today was just such an opportunity. After the lunch dishes were done, I wandered upstairs with a basket of clean laundry to fold, and instead I curled up in a blanket on the bed and was a goner.
The laundry can wait.
One of the things that I've learned in my 29 (ahem) years is that a nap is a wonderful luxury that we should grab when given the opportunity. Today was just such an opportunity. After the lunch dishes were done, I wandered upstairs with a basket of clean laundry to fold, and instead I curled up in a blanket on the bed and was a goner.
The laundry can wait.
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