Sunday, January 15, 2012

Equal Footing

My new running shoes
I have decided to run the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon in May.  26.2 miles.  (This will be my second marathon and I'm looking forward to going the distance again.)  The training program started two weeks ago and is VERY well attended by over 200 people.  It's surprising that so many people will show up every Saturday morning from January to May to run through snow, cold, rain, (hopefully) sunshine and heat.  You'd think the US Postal Service would show up weekly to recruit from this hardy bunch, but so far I haven't noticed them milling about.

On Saturday we ran six miles.  There were people strung out for blocks ahead of me and as far as I could see behind me.  There are people there of all ability levels.  Some are seasoned and in great shape - for instance one friend has run over 50 marathons and several have qualified and competed in the Boston Marathon.  On the flip side there are people there who have never participated in an event of this distance before.  In fact they may not have ever been in a distance event at all.  They are brand new to this sport and they come in layers of sweatpants and warm clothes with a strong determination as they tackle this feat before them. They have set a goal to accomplish something that will take much time and preparation over the next five months.

I take my hat off to them and cheer them on.  Every single one of them.  Both the ones it comes easy to and the ones who struggle.  The faster ones and the slower ones.  It isn't about the clock, it isn't about how long it takes, it's about DOING it.  They are all out there moving and doing it and that gives them equal footing.


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