Sunday, November 18, 2012

Filled w/Thanks = Filled w/Joy: Day 18

I am thankful to be at a healthy weight

On November 9, 2006, (six years ago) having lost over 50 pounds in 9 months, I became a lifetime member at Weight Watchers.  I am thankful, pleased and proud to have maintained at my goal weight since that time.  It has been such a blessing to be energetic and to have a body that is well nourished and feels good.  Making healthy food choices has become almost second nature in many ways and a knowing what an appropriate portion is has made a world of difference.   

I know lots of "talk" on the subject (click here to read my weight loss and healthy lifestyle blog) , but walking the walk and not just talking the talk this past 6 years has been key to being healthy and feeling good.  
My grandma Fern lived to be over 90 and as long as I can remember she maintained a healthy weight.  I wish I had asked her if it was something she had to work at.  I do know that she made it a practice to walk "laps" up the steps and down the halls in the complex she lived in.  She was quite mobile and fit until just shortly before she died.  She also had this belief that if she patted her belly with both hands alternating at a fast pace that it would help her stay fit.  Considering her age and fitness level when she passed I think it would be wise for me to take up that practice very soon.

In the meantime I am thankful that I have chosen to fuel my body with healthy and nutritious food helping me to live life to the fullest.  

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