Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Filled w/Thanks = Filled w/Joy: Day 13

I am thankful for ANTICIPATION

Don't you just love the feeling of anticipation as you await something you are excited about?   Such as....

  • To see a friend or loved one after a period of time apart? 
  • For baby's birth, first tooth, step or word?
  • For a phone call with good news?
  • For the first snowfall - and the first snowman - of the season?
  • For the first flower to bloom in the spring?
  • For a batch of cookies or loaf of banana bread to come from the oven piping hot?
  • For the rush of cresting the top of a rollercoaster?
  • For the coolness of leaping into the ocean on a hot day?
  • Spending Thanksgiving or Christmas with family?

Anticipation is a fun part of life and as I mentioned in an earlier post some things are worth waiting for especially when you anticipate fun occasions with long threads of witty banter.

1 comment:

  1. Amira and Mason were definitely worth the wait! The trouble is that when I was waiting for Amira, time moved so slowly. Now that she's here, time is moving way too fast! How can it be that she's already more than nine months old? Where has the time gone?
